Advisors to the World Pankration Federation include some of the most respected leaders of the martial arts and combat sports in the world. The President relies on their advice and direction in matters of rules, refereeing, operations, and matters pertaining to the furtherance of the sport of pankration. |

Jim Harrison
Called by Bruce Lee "One of the most dangerous men in the world", and one of the greatest legends of the modern martial arts, Jim Harrison needs no introduction to anyone who has had even a passing interest in the combat sports during the past few decades. Known for his notorious battles during the unforgettable "Blood-N- Guts" era of American karate, He has been called the closest thing to a modern samurai the 20th century can produce. Mr. Harrison was 3-time U.S. Karate Champion, 3-time All American Grand Champion, undefeated light-heavyweight Kickboxing Champion, and coach to the undefeated U.S. 1974-76 U.S. Professional Team. He has trained U.S. Special Forces, Rangers, SEALs, Marine Recon and Delta Force, provided personal security for Chuck Norris, Linda (Mrs. Bruce) Lee and Prince Mikhail Matijasev, was awarded a Ph.D. for Research, Analysis and Instruction by Yudansakai University, was inducted into the International Karate Hall of Fame with Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee, and was Grandmaster Magazine's Hall of Fame "Man of the Millenium." As feared and respected as Jim Harrison was (and remains) as a fighter, he was equally respected as a referee, and brings un- equaled experience and expertise to the WPF as a senior advisor, with particular attention to competition rules and officiating.

Mike Anderson
Known as the father of sport karate and kick- boxing, Mike Anderson started the Professional Karate Association, built kickboxing into the number one spectator sport of the 1970's, published Professional Karate Magazine, and was instrumental in building the worldwide kickboxing movement, in which he remains active. One of the foremost authorities on competi- tive combat sports, both in the U.S. and interna- tionally, Mike Anderson brings over 40 years of competition, officiating and organizational ex- perience to his senior advisory role with the WPF, and lends particular expertise in the areas of rules, safety equipment and international development. |

Bob Boggs
Bob Boggs holds a 7th Dan recognized by the USA Karate Federation, the United States Karate-do Kai and Mr. Jim Harrison. In 1993, he became the 18th Modern American awarded a Ph.D. in Martial Arts by the Hall of Fame Society. In 1988, he was selected Sports Commissioner for the Junior Olympics, the first year karate was entered as a sport. In 1994, he was the Director and Coach of the Gold Medal Junior and Senior TEAM USA competing at the Goodwill Games in St. Petersburg, Russia. In 1996, he was awarded the "All American Award" for his work resulting in American athletes being allowed to participate in the 1995 Pan American Games in Argentina. In 1997, Boggs was inducted as the 25th member of the USA Karate Hall of Fame, and shortly thereafter into the USA Jujitsu Hall of Fame. In 1999, he was appointed as the Secretary Generall of the USA Federation of Pan- kration Athlima, and later that year as the Secretary General of the International Federation of Pan- kration Athlima. He serves on the Executive Boards of the USA Karate Federation, the United States Karate-do Kai and the US Jujitsu Federation, and brings extensive experience in rules, refereeing, competition, and inter- national operations to his capacity as a senior advisor to the WPF.

Bob Thurman
Called by many "The man who built ESPN", Bob 'Thunder' Thurman was the undefeated Middle-weight World Kickboxing Champion from 1982-1990. Holding a coveted Bushidokan black belt under World Shootboxing Champion Steve Mackey, Thurman brings a wealth of competitive experience and instructional know- ledge to his advisory capacity with the WPF. Additionally, Bob Thurman actively participates in training and officiating with the WPF, providing athletes, coaches and officials with an opportunity to learn and benefit from his many years in the amateur and professional ring. |

Eric Pence A past Executive Director and Director of Coaching for the WPF, Eric Pence now serves as an advisor in the areas of rules, officiating and training. Airborne, Ranger and Special Forces qualified, Pence was a member of Special Forces Operational Detachment A-732 from 1978 to 1985. He holds dan ranks in judo, jujitsu and karate, boxed and kickboxed profes- sionally, and trains military and law enforcement units in task-specific defense/control tactics and combatives. |
The "Father of Modern Pankration", Jim Arvanitis revived the ancient combat training and sport of his forefathers after years of study - modernizing, systemizing and formalizing the tactics, techniques, skill sets and training regimen of his system, Mu Tau Pankration, in the early 1970s. Resisting repeated attempts to capitalize on the historical and cultural aspects of the king of the Ancient Olympic sports at the expense of the ideals of strength, honor and integrity, Jim Arvanitis has been the driving force behind the growth of pankration for the past 30 years - and continues to be. The World Pankration Federation recognizes Jim Arvanitis as the founder of the modern pankration movement, and as the historical and cultural authority on pankration. |

As an NCAA Referee for 22 years, Paul Holder brings unique experience to the WPF in the area of referee selection, training, testing, review, oversight and continuing education, as well as organizational structure and development. His input from an elite amateur athletic perspective adds greatly to the development of intra-divisional cooperation and responsibility. |